Case studies

How business vehicle leasing helped Beverage Brothers grow

Our clients’ businesses matter to us. We’re focused on supporting our customers’ businesses with excellent leasing options.

No matter the client or the industry, we’re proud to help streamline small business vehicle management to achieve big game-changing goals.

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Beverage Brothers

Beverage Brothers, an innovative alcohol distribution company, is responsible for bringing distinctive brands to the market. But they brought a challenge to us.

As a distribution company, Beverage Brothers’ vehicles are an integral part of their business strategy. But being a start-up, they also wanted to keep their cash free – not tied up in purchasing vehicles upfront.

We worked with Beverage Brothers to create a vehicle leasing solution to keep their growing mobile sales reps team moving around the country.

Our expertise in business leasing has kept the Beverage Brothers’ team on track and on the road.

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Glass Team

Glass Team is one of Auckland's top glass experts. Their work in window, door and glass installation brings interesting business vehicle challenges. They needed delivery vehicles that would reliably hold and transport heavy loads of glass safely.

When David Whitburn founded Glass Team, he didn’t want to pay out cash to buy the specialised light commercial trucks the business needed. So he looked at leasing and to FleetPartners. And we were thrilled to rise to the challenge.


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