Ethical business practices
Our company ethics and commitments
We’re committed to practicing sustainable and ethical business practices, especially in our supply chain. We recognise our moral and legal responsibility to combatting the risks of modern slavery and human rights violations in our business and our supply chain, and we hold our suppliers to the same high standard.
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues
Corporate governance, sustainability and employee well-being are high priorities at FleetPartners. Our primary focus is to ensure robust stewardship of the business to deliver sustainable long-term growth whilst operating in an ethical and transparent way. Read more about our efforts in our 2024 Sustainability Report.
Tax transparency
The Tax Transparency Report is an important way for FleetPartners to further demonstrate our commitment to transparency and ethical business practices. We have chosen to voluntarily disclose this information, consistent with the Australian Government’s efforts to promote tax transparency. The FleetPartners Tax Transparency Report outlines our approach to paying taxes, tax governance and strategy, and details tax-related payments.

Modern slavery and human rights violations
We strive to only do business with suppliers who demonstrate ethical business practices and values and we have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. While we’ve determined our exposure to modern slavery as low, we’re conscious that some of our direct suppliers may have higher risks of modern slavery. Therefore, we’ve developed processes to ensure that our business and supply chain is free of modern slavery. These include the incorporation of contractual frameworks around modern slavery and potential human rights violations in our supplier contracts. These frameworks support our efforts to ensure parties are aware and held accountable to the standards we uphold.
We’ve also introduced very important mechanisms to help mitigate the risks including the development of systems that allow for appropriate identification, assessment, and monitoring of potential modern slavery risks. We’ve also developed measures to facilitate the reporting of actual or potential risks by team members or suppliers, in an appropriate, safe and confidential manner. In the event any potential or actual incident of modern slavery is identified, we’ll strive to provide appropriate remediation to that incident.
A key component to monitoring and identifying modern slavery risks is our team members, which is why it’s important they have a strong understanding of how modern slavery may impact our supply chain and as such, are required to complete comprehensive compliance training. We also expect all suppliers in our supply chain have an understanding of modern slavery risks. So where practical, the same education, training and compliance practices are employed with their team members.
Further information on our commitment to ethical business practices and human rights awareness is outlined in the FleetPartners Group Limited Modern Slavery Statement.
Privacy and cyber security
We are constantly looking to improve the experience of our customers, our people and our suppliers. A large part of this is the continuous development of our digital systems. We recognise the extreme importance of ensuring appropriate privacy and cyber security measures are in place, to safeguard our customers’ and suppliers’ data. Measures include the implementation of cloud servers, digital firewall security, physical protections of hardware, Virtual Private Network (VPN) with multi-factor authentication for remote working, and other data security controls which safeguard against the loss of data, file corruption and other risks.
In addition, we respect and value the privacy of our customers and suppliers, and we have implemented numerous protection measures. Alongside the FleetPartners Privacy Policy, we have introduced appropriate monitoring and reporting procedures for potential data and privacy breaches. This allows for any potential incidents to be addressed immediately, and for appropriate measures applied to mitigate the risk of repeat incidents.
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